Monday, May 10, 2010

Make Way for Boston!

New England is an experience unto itself. Here’s an example of Yankee ingenuity. (I hear this kind of thriftiness is making a comeback.)

And in Boston the dead may vote, but they dare not park.

While in Boston I stopped at headquarters (ha--UUA offices, 25 Beacon Street)...

...and practiced intoning great truths at William Ellery Channing’s very own lectern.

So as not to leave out our Universalist brethren, here is Hosea Ballou.

Nearby is King’s Chapel, a 17th century church that’s been Unitarian in theology for nearly 200 years. Here’s how this pulpit design could work for us at UUFT: imagine that the umbrella-like structure on top slid steadily downward during the sermon, thus encouraging the preacher to be brief (or stay encased in the pulpit till coffee hour). Not surprisingly, the King’s Chapel staff declined to let me mount the steed for a photo op.

And here’s the “Governor’s Box,” meant to hold the King’s representative when he attended services. George Washington once sat here to attend a benefit concert after the revolution.

Are you saturated with photos of the grande dames of Unitarian Universalism? But wait! You haven’t even been to Arlington Street Church yet.

This is Channing’s church. A statue of him stands in brooding vigil across the street.

Arlington Street has some of the best Tiffany stained glass windows in Boston. This is the Annunciation.

During the Mother’s Day service a child dedication honored Kobe, and his two daddies. (No, without even the slightest hint of irony.)

Other Boston sights included the North End, a picturesque Italian neighborhood where I tried (and failed) to eat a whole cannoli, and where Jenn G. and I got lots of belly laughs at an improv comedy club.

And here we are at the Public Garden on a c-c-cold May morning.

There are real and virtual swans on the lake here, and for you Robert McCloskey fans, there is an homage to his beloved ducks. Here is Mrs. Mallard, and a few of the brood (I don’t know whether this shot includes Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, or Quack).

And one more statue from the Public Garden was left untitled. I call it: Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot??

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